Degrees in Astrology: Meaning, Critical Degrees, Decans | (2024)

With 360 degrees in a birth chart, a lot can be misconstrued. Let’s say you’re new to this and you just start learning about zodiac signs, the birth chart, and even the Houses in the birth chart. Did you know the degrees in the Houses in the birth chart mean something too?

If you’re ready to go deeper, we asked astrologer Maisy Bristol to tell us more about degrees, why they’re so important to the birth chart, and how to interpret them.

Degrees in a Birth Chart

As mentioned above, there are 360 degrees in a birth chart—which means 30 degrees, per sign, per House. “It’s a lot to take in,” Bristol says. “But, once you understand a few very important degrees, you can apply it to every House and sign.”

While there are 360 degrees in the chart, astrologers look at them in segments of 30. So, really, there are just 30 degrees to define, remember, and use while looking at charts.

READ MORE: Houses in the Birth Chart: What Do They Mean?


As Bristol mentions, there are a few very important degrees in the birth chart, called “critical degrees.” According to her, “the critical degrees represent the three modalities of the zodiac: cardinal, fixed, and mutable.”

So, why is this important? Well, any time a planet lands within a critical degree, it suggests that we’ll have some extra challenges there to overcome. And, of course, all of this is in relation to the modality of the critical degree, the zodiac sign that the planet is in, the meaning of the planet, and the House that it falls in.

“This may sound daunting,” says Bristol, “but critical degrees are there to provide insight into the life lessons that you are meant to learn in this life. They can be really insightful!”

Critical Degrees

To make things easier, Bristol broke down the critical degrees for us:

  • 0, 13, 26 degrees = cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
  • 8–9, 21–22 degrees = fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
  • 4 and 17 degrees = mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

How to Interpret Degrees

Depending on which modality your critical degrees fall, you might tend to: over-express (cardinal), under-express (fixed), or choose a path of ambivalence (mutable). Here, we’ll cover what each means and how it may pose challenges.

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0, 13, 26 Degrees (Cardinal)

If you have planets that land in one of the cardinal critical degrees, this means that you’re likely to overexert or overestimate in those areas. For example, if your Venus sign (planet of relationships) is stationed at 13 degrees Aries in your birth chart, that means you may be overly impatient, risky, or bored in your relationships—and will likely be hard to pin down.

Bristol points out that whenever a sign is at 0 degrees (or 29 degrees, for that matter), the sign is working at its fullest potential, according to Bristol. “Any sign placement at 0 degrees is likely to embody all of what that sign stands for,” she says.

8-9 and 21-22 Degrees (Fixed)

For the fixed degrees, this will likely appear as a shield, according to Bristol. “Fixed critical degrees give that placement a sense of restriction, restraint, or fear about the possibility of ‘letting loose.’”

The sense here is that to express or to openly show vulnerability is to be weak or to risk getting hurt. So, you can apply this kind of sentiment to the sign and planet shown in the fixed critical degree.

She gives an example of the moon at 9 degrees Virgo. This person might be so critical of their feelings, and of others, that it might be extremely difficult for them to share.

READ MORE: Types of Full Moons

4 and 17 Degrees (Mutable)

With the mutable degrees, these placements do not provide a sense of “overdoing” or of “restraint.” Instead, they provide indifference, according to Bristol. She explains that this placement has much more trouble taking a hard stance on the energies provided here—whereas the other two placements have more trouble either doing too much or avoiding entirely.

An example of this might be if Mars was placed at 4 degrees Cancer. This individual would likely experience great challenges regarding bringing up feelings and how others have affected them.


What is ‘degree theory’ in astrology?

Degree theory is different from critical degrees. Invented by Nikola Stojanovic, this concept suggests that every degree in the 30-degree Houses have a purpose or tell a story. Her notion was that as you get farther away from 0 degrees, the energy of the sign becomes less and less or more transformed into something different.

This can be applied to the energy of the sign but also to the energy of the planet that the sign is in. For example, Venus at 0 degrees Taurus would show up much differently from Mercury at 0 degrees Taurus. Likewise, Venus at 0 degrees Taurus would show up differently than Venus at 0 degrees Gemini.

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Degrees in Astrology: Meaning, Critical Degrees, Decans | (2024)


What does a critical degree mean in astrology? ›

A critical degree in the birth chart can make you more sensitive and intuitive and push you to work harder to attain what you want most. It's important to remember that astrology has no wrong or right aspects. It is just the energy that you are meant to work with in this lifetime.

What do the degrees mean in astrology? ›

What are degrees in your birth chart? Zodiac signs and planets fall at a specific place in the sky. This is known as an astrological degree. These degrees give meaning and depth to the hidden characteristics of the sign and planet, allowing us to understand their internal forces on a deeper level.

What are the powerful degrees in astrology? ›

Critical degrees are specific points within each sign that are known to have intensified astrological significance. These degrees are 0, 29, and sometimes 15 degrees. Each of these has a special energy and deals with beginnings, endings, and heightened traits or intensity.

What is the decan degree in astrology? ›

Decans are subdivisions of 10-degree increments per sign, which is 30 degrees. Your decan, then, is wherever your birthday falls within that 30-degree spread.

What degree is millionaires astrology? ›

The millionaire degree falls in cancer at 29 degrees. So anybody who has a late degree cancer, sun or moon, or an early degree Leo, Sun or moon, is destined for wealth.

What is the rich degree in astrology? ›

Degrees and Houses: Secrets of Financial Luck

29 degrees Cancer, the famous “millionaire degree”, and 29 degrees Taurus, the corresponding “bankrupt degree”, are particularly astrologically significant. Similarly, degrees in Scorpio can indicate potential financial loss or significant gains.

What is the degree method of astrology? ›

It is a simple method for prediction through which, even a person with a basic knowledge of astrology can give predictions based on the birth chart. The method utilizes the degrees of the planets in the birth chart . The planets in the highest degree and lowest degree are taken into account.

How do you read the degree of a planet in astrology? ›

Degrees are where a planet or point sits on a 360 degree circle. 0-30 degrees of that circle is considered Aries. 30–60 degrees is Taurus, 60–90 degrees is Gemini, and so on. So within that overall picture, each 30 degree sign of the zodiac is talked about as being 30 degrees.

What degrees in astrology mean fame? ›

more specifically, 5° indicates short-term fame, while 17° and 29° are long-term notoriety.

What are master degrees in astrology? ›

Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (MA) is the only academic degree in the world to examine our relationship with the cosmos. The programme draws on different disciplines from the Humanities in order to gain as full a view as possible of the entire subject.

Which is the most powerful degree? ›

What Are the 15 Most Useful Degrees?
  1. Computer Science. What you need: A strong understanding of math and logic, alongside a great appreciation of computers and interestd in how they work. ...
  2. Nursing. ...
  3. Law. ...
  4. Pharmaceutical Science (Pharmacy) ...
  5. Education. ...
  6. Mathematics. ...
  7. Veterinary Science. ...
  8. Engineering.
Jul 10, 2024

What is the most powerful aspect of astrology? ›

An Opposition is said by Ibn Ezra to be the most powerful aspect. An opposition is fundamentally relational but not unifying or blending like a conjunction. Some astrologers say the energies in opposition are prone to exaggeration, because it has a dichotomous quality and issues arising from it are often tense.

Are decans important? ›

Modern rulerships. Modern astrology updates the rulerships. Decans or "faces" are the least important of the essential dignities, representing about one-fifteenth of a planet's overall strength in medieval astrology.

What does decan mean? ›

dec·​an. ˈdekən. plural -s. : any of the three divisions of 10 degrees in each sign of the zodiac. also : the ruler of such a division.

What is the 0 degree in astrology? ›

In the natal chart, planets or points at 0° of a sign take a stance that either indulges in or embraces the very pure, undiluted nature of the sign. There's a fresh, unstudied quality to a planet at this degree.

Which zodiac is very critical? ›

Virgo is the most critical zodiac sign

The highly perceptive and analytical Virgo tops our list as the most critical zodiac sign. This demanding sign picks up on the smallest details that no one else sees or hears, using each piece of information to come to a conclusion.

Is 0 a critical degree in astrology? ›

A 0-1 degree ascendant is when the ascendant is between 0 and 1 degrees of a sign. This is considered to be a critical degree, and it can have a significant impact on the reading of a chart.

What are the critical degrees of mutable signs? ›

Here are the critical degrees for the signs at a glance:
  • Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0, 13, and 26 degrees.
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees.
  • Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4 and 17 degrees.
Nov 16, 2021

What are the famous degrees in astrology? ›

more specifically, 5° indicates short-term fame, while 17° and 29° are long-term notoriety.

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