THE KANSAS CITY JULY JULY THE KANSAS CITY STAR: TELLING THE OF WAITIL LOCAL NOTICES, riCriaa lo- Ittsirkhe Mew Aqueduct Comp Wail mad nem it Mt Plerelvisht over Ili MU Pure Java coffee and Oolong tea, fresh but. tor Pee. ROOS the path i took; Ton use ow the pp in the old wall dill, termilk and lemonade, the purest ice cream, Ready ee. York Letter to Pittsburg Dispatch. Water was let through the new Croton ague.
And the ateppine.stones in the shallow brook. sm. served daily except Sunda front 7 to 7 at the It oillen'S Lachange, 1 tit and There is ths boom with the gate red-barred. Baltimore avenue. to-day.
Chief Engineer Alphonse Staley Apd th, poplar. 'will, promised that a stream should be sowing from Aid the barat's brown length sod the eettle-yard, Cool breezes, refreshing winds, luxurisat into the Central park reservoir on the 151h And the white horns Matting above the watt. herbage, pleasant retreats, delightful spring the present mouth. Therefore, to keep his There am tho bee-hives ranged la Meson! waters, all the advantages of the best summer i agreemen1 the engineer started the tide to. ofAid oWa ih bvek Th resorts found at Elm; Exeelsior Spring'.
re Ine poor WWII 4 eMin, before the time appointed for it to gush Pansy sad dadodil, mewl pink. M. Buita, i of the lower extremity of New York's new source of water supply. A ear has Remo as the tortoise goes. Candidate for bounty clerk, subject to Demo.
Activy and slow, erotic convention. The new Croton equeduct is the greatest And the same rose blows and the same sun glows, work of its kind in the world. Although not Alni Ow woe brook sings of a Year NM The finest in the Ginger Al. wholly completed, it has cost, with the ex. the made by the Excelsior Springs company.
There's IOW. 1 clover smell la the breeze; penditares on the storage dams now building, TrArinies lis wg ere in the tree, No And th.ijoTneaus sun wino wams nearly 24 million dollars. The actual oost of delays and no extra charges on loans aqueduct itself is about millions. it al then' "et renal" "fill made by us. Kansas City Investment com- pany, taken five years to build and ninety.
mind a E. E. Holmes, president Sixth and te how with a tomio oars seven human lives have been sacrificed in its From my Sunday toot Wyaudotte streets. construction. The new Croton aqueduct I brushed off the burrs.
and 10100iiif41 my hair, would have been done three years ago if the And cooled at the brookside aly brow mid throat The best City 1 best place to buy123 Manz street, pianos or organs is the terms of the contracts had been complied with. a nee we parted a month bas O. II. Guilin, president. Extensions of time were granted, but even To love, a year; thee.
were exceeded, and altogether Down through the beeches 1 looked at last aud a half years have been occupied in On the huh) red gate and the well-weep near. getting the tunnel ready to send water Write for price list and couditions of ship. ea ere It all now-the slantwise rain ment to appetite through. Of light through the leaves. The total capacity of the new aqueduct is The sundown's blaze on her window paiatie waiting rooms.
million gallons a day down to Jerome The bloom of her roses under the caves. park, where the "horseshoe" section ends, Just the sates as a One of the surest ways of preventing the month before-. disastroua effects of heti is to use Excelsior from there to its terminus at One Hun. The house and the trees. Springs waters.
dred and Thirtv.filth street is 250 million gal. The bara's brown guide, the vine by the door-- a day. Tile pipe lines connecting with Nothing changed but the hives oi heed. aqueduct at One Hundred and Thirty. Before Five per cent interest paid on time deposits, street hkewise have a capacity 250 not.
them, under the garden wall, Four per cent intereet paid on daily balances, a day. It is the intention to build a Forward end beck, Wiltpdirearug each a By the NEW ENGLAND LOAN AND TRUST 718 and 720 Delaware atreet, city. reservoir at Jerome park to receive the extra supply which will be distributed in the an Capital, surplus, $72,000. nexed district With the completion of the Trembling 1 listened; the summer sun ed the chill of 61101M The best place to buy pianos or organs is aqueduct the maximum daily water sup. li Fojetu ke 1507 the hs heejawassratelling ey eathu the beef goof ion la 1 otk.ell11:atieusafiisuC,iptyrePslidaennotCo., 1123 Maio street, of New York will be about 431 million gallons.
The actual need is estimated at 200 million gallons a day. Than I said to myself, "My Mary weeps The great salt-sulphur swimming pool at Below One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street the dead to-day; water from the new aqueduct is to be HapIT, fret he and blind asgleeeanetyi For iEuxgepellae leo; oNitriii rings gesoivanttbrys.most refreshing bath. tributed through eight iron pipes, each forty. lb eight inches in diameter. The total length of But her dog whined low on the doorway sill; UNION PACIFIC REMOVAL.
tunnel itself is thirty and three-fourths With his cane to his chin miles, extending from Sodom dam to One The old man Mitt; and the ebore-t ft away." a On August 1 the Union Pacific ticket office, Hundred and Thirty-fifth street The tunnel 8ung to the bees steeling out media. built in two forma. One part-twenty. And the SOnn she Will singing ever since alt(17 located at 52ci. 1000 Male street.
The 8 Main street, will be re. moved to the southwest corner Tenth and ain, preseut eight and eighty hundredths miles in length In my ear sounds on office is for rent from August 1. Has tile from Sodom dam to a point near Jerome "Sialateret dtted floor encel o. and by steam. Bent low.
Tel- is park-is in the shape of a horseshoe, thirteen zsa feet six and thirty-nix one hundredths inches O. hillier. eptionellOIJ high and thirteen feet seven and eighty bun. STARBEAMS. dredtbs inches wide, equalling an area of Ocean bathing at home can be found in the Mrs.
Hotelman is said to be the oldest fourteen feet in diameter. g4eraino. salt.sulphur swimming pool at Excelsior The other part of the tunnel, from Jerome woman lobbyist in Washington. park to One Hundred and Thirty.tifth street, The Countess Tolstoi is a tall, beautiful BIEDICAMENTA VERA. circular in form.
From Jerome park to the woman and very fond of society. The couut prefers it the plow. 20 million years. Is a very Have your prescriptions filled at Hugo Eye. Harlem river the diameter of the generally called Is twelve feet three inches, togs think he CAA tram, back his pedigree tor The lobste ou creature.
tell's Twelfth and Broadway. but where it dips in the form of a great in- The Stanley wedding was not exactly a The best place to buy pianos or organs is verted syphon under the Harlem it is ten feet six inches in diameter. Under Gould's success. True, Chauncey AL Depew was there, but the Kansas City Piano 1123 Main street, swamp, in Westchester county on the line of O. IL Guilin, president.
the "horseshoe," there lean inverted syphon mad. b. tio the failure. In this hot weather, with the thermometer fourteen feet three inches in diameter. Mrs.
Reagan, wife of the Texas aenator, ranging about the nineties, try the cool aud re. learned shorthand without a teacher, in order to be- freaking drink of Soterian Ginger ale, made At an Ebb. come her husband's private secretary. by the Excelsior Springs compauy. For sale From Life.
Time brings ita curious changes. The everywhere. Mr. Van Etten (trying to conceal yewn)-- former homed Alexander U. Stevens at Marietta, Where did you say you were going this FM.
Is now owned and occupied by a negro. RICH STRIKE IN COLORADO AT TIN CUP mer? Chicago claims that it consumes more ice IiIINES. Miss Marigold (who has seen his struggle)- Pr day than any other city in the union. This iitn Mr. Van Ltten, I am having just as bard a of the having the greatest fact wuld not seem to be in its favor as a summer ex the wonderful and rich time as you are, and I should feel indebted if rilwrt Lincoln relies do not bring very high discoveries being made in the mines there.
en i Cup, because usie you would yawn for me also. figures over at St. Louis. The chair in which he this rich caul. kc, sat and waited for Douglas sold there the other day The Union Pacilioris Full poanrityieduitraerect line to a no Old City Lives in a CrystssIline puled.
Front the Chicago Tribune for $14. city oticket ve non ec 'e St. Louis is said to be the fifth American Sybil Sanden uuna on brut a en voice that and Union depot. NlinilhIn aintdreBloaldtwly4 maim higher than Patti's. but Patti has the edvant- city in area.
It did its annexing completely ate of haying teems that range ou.iderai,,, woe, when it was about it and is growing leisurely then Sybil's. The best place to buy pianos or organs is fit its garments. St. Louis, therefore, in. The Italians are going to put up a mono.
habits a errstalline domicile of much fragility me in San Francisco to Columbus. In the way of the Kansas City Piano Co, 1123 Main street, and should refrain from propelling missiles art they seem to be about the only people who are O. IL Gallia, presidentmast a geological nature promiscuously about. doing anything for the navigator. Suit water bathing at Excelsior Springs.
Men who have no capacity of the bead Nothing like it for hot weather. The Sable in Obscure People. are willing to bet on the capacity ot their mooischs. The best ice cream and home made cake A fallow in New York is willing to wager that he Charles Meade. can eat more molasses than any other man.
daily, except Sundays, at the Womau's ex. Not a day passes over the earth but men Mitis Harriet Blaine thinks she can be ntiltril a and women of note do great deeds, speak in some measure the loss Blaine unstained in great words and sutler noble sorrows. Of the death of Walker. lier ambition Is to become her father's private secretary and counselor. change, Twelfth and 'Baltimore avenue.
Too Ilucil FOR Two. Being thirty miles the shorteseline and 4.54 tyrs, the greater part will never be known till these obscure heroes, philosophers and mar- many that were great shall 'a the Saa a route. ight house, who as sale the Ives of so many per- tickets to Chicago vi nt Ida heroine heroine rof Lime Rock miles the best one, people inaist on buying that hour when small and the small great. night City to Chicago, a heavy business. rynelreeandivtewsofrotztubleetternment a salary of 8780 This has peen our two nig i trains, Katmai Itzehouging Confidences.
This is the way the great beast of Africa To further accommodate our friends, we From Drake's Magazine. goes to his extinction. Au ordinary elephant pro. have just put on a new through express, ear. duces 120 pounds of ivory, worth England tying day coaches, free chair cars, and PullClara-I have such a horror of growing ego was, for which it is necessary to kill Melt sleipere at night, leaving Kansas City old.
12moo elephants a year. 10 a. ni. and arriving in Chicago 7:25 a. nt.
Maude (aweetiv)-1. should think you would The Chicago Tribune is "agin" the put- Passengers on this new train have a daylight have got over it by this time. a eChnaeseleolitamCuasba hanutudiirge'r n.3 i Ill ti otofteOrs that little island of Coby? Ott rout! team riatit INFORMATION FOR INQUIRERS. down to businese What'll ye take?" 8 1' in Chicago at 6:50 an .1 p. rit, am in rilTiehaecnroigshstMtrisasionnieunined iKowaitrum city et 6:20 Pure Java cotes and Oolong tea, fresh but.
termini and lemonade, the purest ice cream, served daily except Huntley, ire 7 to 7 at the Women's Ezclasoge, 12th and Baltimore avenue. Cool breezes, refreshing winds, luzurisat herbage, pleasant retreats, delightful spring waters, all the advantages of the best summer resorts found at The elm; Spring'. M. 8. Bun; Candidate for county clerk, subject to Demo.
erotic convention. Five per cent interest paid on time deposits, Four per cent interest paid on daily balances, By the NEW ENGLAND LOAN AND TRUST Co, 718 and 720 Delaware atreet, city. Capital, surplus, $72,000. The best place to buy pianos or organs ia the Kansas City Piano 1123 Main street, O. H.
Clutha, preaident. ng tea, fresh hut. purest ice cream, ept Sunday, front icitange, 12th anti winds, luxurisai delightful spring of the best mummer Exeelator Sprier. subject to Demo. totertan Ginger Al.
ings company. charges on loans investment com Sixth sad linos or organs is 1123 Main street, KANamt. couditions of ship. rug store, opposite of preventing the ta to use Excelsior I on time deposits, on daily balances, AN AND TRUST elaware atreet, is, jangle or organs is 1123 Main street, swimming pool at ost refreshing bads. REMOVAL.
Pacific ticket office, street, will be re. corner Tenth and treet. The precut Itugust 1.. lias tile turn. Rent low.
Tel. can be found in the ng pool at Excelsior VERA. filled at Hugo Eye. elfth and Broadway. )lanos or OrglillS iS 1123 Main street, tit the thermometer I.
try the cool aud re. Ginger ale, made company. For sale AT TIN CUP having the greatest wonderful and rich in the mines there. i only direct line to futrticulars call at Main street, 1034 inth and Broadway pianos or organs is 1123 Main street, Excelsior Springs. home made cake it the Womau's ex.
imore avenue. DR Two. thorteseline and 454 insist On buying Santa Fe route. night mins, Kansa business. lie our friends, we rough express, ear.
hair cars, and Pull. riving Kansas City iThicago 7:25 a. us. rain have a daylight Iowa. Kansm City et 0:20 in Chicago at 6:50 i 1 1 1 11 ,4 1.
1 1 i. ot 1 1-, IllE 'KANSAS CITY LSTAR mt. rep oell resents owe hist 1 if it uot, that tie day for lionising such TWO EXPLORERS. mia handsome retepdom lb ia an lognest sad ruffians as the JAItga gang has pushy in Tin eat' aat daratienaral probe-at calla ita able eapeemst of a priaciple whkh is grow- That element, is practicalln ob- ta sow ma Cie, Kamm an ag. grleVinnellt lag In LOW Stith the people and which ree from the gate.
There is no more plena Doubtless a Kansan bas spoken So A MILLION A MONTH! wives the sanction of the Meat progressive outlawry in Missouri to-day than there is in of Galena John chasten presents lately tu, and intelligent men of .41 political parties. Kane's. The Miesouri bushwhackers have ass of the And to gPee Ile has been in the Mats foramina dap and deputed with the Kansas Bed Legs. If Mr. ports an account of Xs Law world in his re- du pr MOM WIALIIMOtell 11131111MTe -has attracted large audiences wherever he CEITTENDEN should again come before the In troth the "Pathfinder" bad very little it Ina eras Is ashltallat sway omelet (aeadey ex.
mown. lerved by serriani is tunas lOtty sod coe. has spoken. He is aceompliehing a people for their suffrages, his course in the left to And la Kansas. When he brat entered Of WWI berasommi ail towns to the Kansas with an ex editio force dam ag goon people should attest cane of the Jules boys would help him more narY t.
YP Armranits mid low at MS SOW pis Wok. news Pm work and here Chouteag was well eftelitished with his trading oil mem il meta their appreciatioe of his valuable services that it would hurt him. post on the Kw river six miles west of the ou tome lies WI IMMITt by giving him a cordial welcome. Ina Demi nod lasa Las, and the expedkion there made its Ant so My mail is advasee-peotage prepaid: rums massess to Ito44 cleselY tra Um Dr. HASIDIM of Bt.
Louis is a pious, JI halt in misname Kama was aid sows, Tusks lleasmi side el aU importaat geat, earliest, able minister of tile gospel For for the explorer in 1841 Wilder's "Annals" erl toms Sum. --e tes Peel. flukey years be has been fighting the devil sad makes two Notices of Fremont as Kansas Ye Worms lee Um Weekly, The lbst is right, There is no man in an hie work; and always with the most eon. explorer, and the other notices are political Pe Ily mall, In advises-postage Congress who keeps his finger on the public spicuous and gratifying success. If an omen and military.
Andreas's "History of Ran- Persona destriaginiTisast at iiietr homes paw more ontoy than puma. That ie geney should arise wherein' man in a conflict as," commonly called the "Herd Book," hu hi cure it by metal sort steer et laroughlete aim se yams alt When (knavery is wools, mato Ass- oue secret of his success am a eolitkian. He with Satan should find himself giving way toe one index reference to Fremont, and that to cc seediste complaint to Is edam keeps himself in a potation toleel every fluctu. superior force, there is no man upon whom be the wrong page, as is customary with the In. co 'rearms as salend at the pesiellies la Klaus ary through Ms mails as woad att on et popular sentiment.
lie Main taint could call with more certainty of reinforce- dex of that work. bit transmission Ohm matter. a voluminous correspondence with his con- meat than Dr. MATI1NWN. Presumably.
the Fremont did not regard himself as on new tel Tea raaa morels me publishes meriusively the Arch Loewe knows ths i for he has always ground in Kansas. Six days after he had ti Mer sioesetee Islam sae I tams Um al stituents, and no movement of any political ewe special teleersies, significance takes place lu Kilning: without a nave a personal gnevance against started he speaks of being "now on Indian es tit* Malibu a lamer average daily eireelatioa the i goo octor, and has delighted worrying ground," that is, the bad Indians had got ge ems say other daily Newspaper pabastied Leases his knowledge. Ilis attitude, toward the him whenever opportungy If the back by that time am days witch from the th altumore end Son Tna atil aat aa mammal, is, the mt. ay McKnetre bill illustrates bit aptitude for Doctor errs at all it is in not recognizing the Missouri. In truth the Santa Fe traders bad matesee mastoolessea keeping in line with the drift of public fact that ether Men are not as strong as he; been moving backward and forward over the 31 Address Tot ETAS.
my, sk, thought in his own in-assuming the that in placing dm limit of physical and country for twenty years before the first Fre- Pa leadership of the revolt sgainet increased Christian endurance at the Minion of his own mont expedition started. The "trail" was as SELEPMO3ES4 )11111TOR1AIL 11100411. eat taxation he has sustained his reputation for powers, be bu exaggerated human ability. well known and established as Massachusetts 101 SitalleMbil 0 am shrewdness and sagacity. These thoughts are stimulated by a rousing street or Kansas avenue.
Moreover, by the tit address delivered by Dr. MATHEWS to his con- time Fremont got around Nature bad got wind fif Masens IllarreseatalWIN littFoliall la KANSAS, gregation last Sunday. The Doctor freely of the coati "Nebraska be 1t8 coming nebraska bill and had gun A. Trask illichardsos, 13, 14 ead IS Tribune building. New leek eity.
and 317 Chamber of Cool- In an article strongly commendatory of expressed his contempt for cool weather to make changes. In one of Ids reports Gen- rel ttokUsUISOI. Senator PLnate's fight on the hicKniter Christians, He could not disguise his anger erg Fremont mentions that away out on the 'nue Illuara Werra; bill the Topeka Capital thus expresno its at those who were too weak to seek the sane- Smoky Ilill, perhaps somewhere near the ne Mtn sad Minnesota anveue Itanitos Cite. Kas. teary, but who were strong enough to drink present Abilene, he found as be came ease pl te.aiagn,a aroec, see idea of the object of protection I les beam Kasen avenue.
Las. The dret time act passed by rho Americas cep- beer at home. He mimed the ministers who ward, that the buffalo grass had begun to play ga srese-euid it wee the Ant general set of say charm- went away on their summer vacations and left out ands tall grass to come in, and his stock In nonce to rested Clerks. A red wee indicates that the inclined is httoveo tenziteiressediin its preamble the object and reason their flocks to the tender mercies of the devil, began to fall off. th ise and protectionreveue to sup- ine detivered aocuratelv and prat end that it who, as everybody knows, never takes a vacs.
In consequence of his late appearance on i tm 'nor Is not masa mtot mophimt will be port lb. government and pay the debts of the Con or if he does, keeps scene, remont as an explorer as never is regular businens the es Mc so nu, postothes authorities United states, and protection to domestic manatee- tun The word is inanutecturm, not amputee- well in hand. "I may not be so rich or an made an impression on the Kansu mind. No th SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1890. toren.
It ins never Intended by our lawmakers nice as they are," said Dr. Mennen, "but I county has been named in his honor, and if id that individual persona should be beseficiarlos of don't intend to let the ship of the Centenary a postodice, it was because the name- was a e.11 the tariff laws to the exclusion of the general interests church go to the bottom because the weather pretty one or because Fremont wu the Re- 1 For Missouri and Katuresfals-w eether in donlb. of the people. It was never intended to prohibit ot The doors will be open all summer." publican candidate for President in 1850. At era; mowers In portion; seatissrly winds; innortation of needed articles warfare, The Capital frankly admits that the Mc--Is it not pouible that the Doctor, strong in that time his name was in every Kansas free- pg Ms Christian panoply, is a little too aevere on man's mouth, but because he was what be le hill reveals a wide de arture from humanity? Is he altogether justified in a was, and not because be named Prairie Dog hi MO MYSTERY the primary object of protection which was ruthless attack on the consumers of beer? creek up in Northwestern Kansas.
di There are no secret processes to furnish revenue to the government and There wu One- General Fremont did not retain the favor fc in the publication of THE STAR. to strengthen manufactures to a point which who are much refreshed by the qualities of that wu manifested for him in Kansas in would enable them to meet fair competition. beer. There are others to whom a glass of mese, When Kansas soldiers came in con- Advertisers may go into the Thi is a significant concession for the lead- beer means a sick headache. In such cases tact with him as a general in 1861 they did II press room whenever they please leg Republican journal in Kansu to make, the devil is in the beer and the Christian can- not especially fancy him.
They laughed at is and stay as long as they like, any but it only serves tmillustrate the change in not too earnestly put it anti all its Satanic Pen lc his big polyglot 'ta and in place of the bl public sentiment in regard to the tariff ques- tion which has taken tilence aside. Nothing gives a personal devil Mungarian and Babas names of the officers day or every day. lace in that Tet more pleasure than the sight of a Christian in gave other names, which if not literal trans- And titM they are invited to ex- state within the past year. thi hi sole mission, and a very annoying their own. The distrem In fact, as far as all testimony goes, 'idiot's, hada wild and picturesque beauty of Is ft amine the circulation books.
(ATMS 11 ine eXaMpla cu a i le. malevolent mission As an explorer Fremont belonged to the this revolution, but it is far from A A i eng a so eery instance. Amon he As for the clergy, no class of men deserves modern military and scientific school. What- MILLION MONT11. other more sympathy and consideration.
In the evergovernment property he may have pos. le Last week the circulation of influential newspapers which entertain first place, it is the contest of a natural against ceased when he came out, be was supplied THE STAR was as follows like sentiments, may he mentioned the a supernatural power. It is a matter of with everything, from a theodolite to a tar It Wichita Eagle, the Salina Republican, the ord that the devil never skeps, that he has bucket, when he went in. The United States In 11,, eadaY JtilY l'" 4tt'l" a ytt11142 1 th topeks Fort tt AI .11 out Jr, the no occasion to sleep, and that he walketh treasury was behind him; be could hire all el et117 8-. 40,250 'Wednesday, July 1...
40.250 Kansas City Casette, the Sumner 'County shout as a roaring lion, seeking whom be may the Mexicans and meths necessary. Path- ti Thursday. July Prewt, the Emporia Remainle and a num- devour, merely because he has the constitu- finding under such eirc*mstances seems cone WrklaY. JelY 11.....,................. 40,513 her of other papera which are pronounced non to stand it, because be likes the occupa- paratively easy.
The real explorers belonged Iletardel, July 40,050 in their opposition to the MCKINLEY plan tion and because it is to him a pleasant way to an earlier age-to the age to which in Total, meek ihoollbas July 841,818 for Increasing taxation. The hoetility to the of killing time, which otherwise would hang African exploration belonged Menge Park, SMUT 444812 measure has developed a growth in heavy on his hands. Of course, the summer Ledyard and Bruce; who, solitary and alone, heat is not exhausting to hint. It is -right in and not with an artily of carriers, penetrated Tie understood that the emu, committee which is truly surprieing. Indeed, no one hia line.
In point of fact it is doubtful the heart of Africa, a ca and were rewarded on- to which the 1,0101: bill has been referred bad any conception of its wide extent whether the famous Sunday before last, when belief and neglect and not with marriage in t' will make important changes in the bill and until the action of Senator Ptestaf the mercury stood at 105 at the Junction, Westminster And so Kansaa had an will reduce its length considerably. The in calling upon the ways and meant; coin- would be anything more than a February explorer who, before General Fremout was ao osmium should be so abbreviated as to strike mitts for specific reneons for the promised morning to him, a morning full of ozone and born, marched, north, south and west, with a Out everything after the ensteting clause changes in the tariff schedules, called forth blood-tingling qualities. How absurd to judge handful of soldiers; braving the extremes of the manifold expressions of encouragement this fleshly weakneu by the standard of the every season of the par and taking his Till: peneion businem under the preeent which hie coulee invited. Never did a pole spirit of evil. chances of meeting, 'every foe.
IMcrossed administration has grown to a degree to no- tician make a more sagacious move. Rarely No man deserves a vacation more than the every stream of magnitude io Kansas without a teseitate the appointment of G00 new clerks, hae a public man hit upon an simentsful a hard-worked minister of the gospel. The boat or bridge Ile kn wnoguide, he had no if Whose annual balmiest alone will require an device for strengthening hinessinwieh nig inn-- oppropriation of $1360,000. The United stituenta. It MAPS- israll conclusive that the billies will have to wait till some other year Se wn -e--- 1 1 Cuba.
0 sets animate a pure se tis 1110q4te'ilt offering his tariff resolution, Lord-gave-inn hureen endurance to go along road. He first plant the American flag in with his flesh, his blood, hie muscles and his-the interior of- Kaesi 'Ile journeyed from brain. Doubtless the Lord expected that he the Marais des Cygnet; to the upper waters of would use his human power to the best extent the Republican and thence to the Arkansas te buy Cub 8 and no more. When the weather grows hot and then along its course to within eight of TIIE current number of Science tut the result demonstrates the Po- and the devil maintains his customary friski. the peak that bears his name, for I speak of I Interesting artiele on "Tornadoem in which tential character of the revolt in Katie-as nem it is right that the clergyman should Zebulon Montgomery Pike, the lint American It le amerted that duritm ens, period between ngainst a system which tends to impoverish have a little time to recuperate.
Under these explorer of Kansas, who left a narrative of -se 8 1 see ele toenadoesvisited the agricultural classes and to depress the circ*mstances the church authorities should what he saw that for clearness, accuracy and ane, which is a larger showing than is made leading interest of the stale. The Farmers' provide a substitute. If they don't provide a truth has not been excelled by any writer 1 by any other state in the union. It n't alliance enitibesizes the strength of the move- substitute, the regular being ex- about Kansas since; and yet there are people a. The of that organization ted I lie winter a i )(ir ta it going to who think that Pike's peak was named for snake any difference what the prize is fur- met mem l'" a harvest time for the devil.
that venerable gas-holder, Albert Pike of Inansu always gets it. a man are inimical to the McKtetev hill. Of course it is essential to be in fighting Arkansas! They see in it a failure to carry out the I trim for the devil all the time. But one man All this was brought to my mind very clear. F(PRANEli has modified and sobered under Plotted for a revision of the tariff, which in- cannot fight for the entire congregation.
ly yesterday, as I took the band of the vener- defeat It was noticed in the late state con- (Need such a large niajority of the voters of Sooner or later be becomes dull and lifeless able Mn. Sturdevant of Lamed, the niece of wention in Ohio that he was more sedate and Kansas to support the HARM-see ticket in and prom, and then the devil is at his best, the gallant man whose memory I have in a pscific and len aggreesive. It iss well if po. I San, and they are seeking a way to repair and doubtlem sings with great glee the refrain feeble way tried to bring to the minds of Kan- litical adversity has brought him charity for their mistake. of a certain popular song: sans.
She was born the year after her kilts. I those who diet-r from him. It in not The causes which have thus loosed the "I'll have 'eel. yea, I'll have 'eni, man fell in the moment of victory at York, i I'll have 'em by and by." Canada. She was reared by her grandfather, am to ape a young man feeding upon the party lines in Kansas tench the people very And if the members of a congregation are the father of General Pike, who survived hi.
prejudices of the pact. Nothing but the stipretne instinct mean and close fisted enough to deny their SOlt for many years, himself a soldier of the of self-interest could have brought about pastor the opportunity of renewing his wasted revolution and the friend of the rent men Tot rural population is it political factor the change whieh has taken plate in that tissues and preparing or an aggress ive fall who founded the Republic. She spoke to me this year that must be courted and not ig- State. No ordinary argument could weaken fete i have them. campaign, ought to ti of the father and the son and of the traditions stored.
In the Eighth cengreseional disstriet the foree of partneri fealty in Kansas which in Indians-Senator old dim has withstood the mutations of nearly ere en'snaturall sunn d's -I t--- Of a brave old family. he spoke of David Whet sly, the military servant of General 1,) tint -the Republicans have nominated thirty years. The reign of Reptile offrtohme by hint to the care of his widow; the A. MOUNT, a Th unfortunate as away CUANDL farmer. The practical licanis there has been aleolute, and up a faithfunhearted old soldier who once a year son.
is is 4 politicians are disposed to show the granger to the present time everything ia cons ad ea a picuous Tecate yonehatehm for many years brought out the blood-stained a great deal of respect Under the circuits- which bore that brand has been accepted polio eystem, and was looked to for an Impart- uniform in which his chief died, and iney look upon him as available. without questiening. But the time has come cloned address on that interesting queetion fully aired and brushed it. Thackeny, in when reason has begun to avert its strayover His place will be taken by his colleague, Mr. beginning his lectures on the "Four Georges," Tar Humane Society lim called a halt on prejudice, and it le an encoursging token Rime, who in party exigency has exchanged says: "A few years since I knew familiarly a the practioe of watering horses in O.
K. that the teet men of the ruling political or- the school book for the musket. lady, who bad been asked in marriage by creek. The stream is so filthy and malodor- ganization are the first to Tug New a met off the shack- Horace Walpole, who had been patted on the Met nes an interesting de- head by George and as I talked with this oil. that OfE SiI uer feeis justified in ele have no (te 9rr ens to leave the party eot the Cooper te er cellar, taloa 11 I arresting resent who drive their teams into with which they have always affiliated, but "etirtaewtober 4, leet Davin liereearre' rere, bright old lady I seemed to be talking with to drink, for cruelty to animals.
The III the neration schooled in the Revolution be. i they have determined to record their protest wet the people of New York, in compliance ge fore hose sturdy stroke bowed the woods of ter in I K. is now real! wa d. ergo so eognn against the abuses which have weakened in with the invitation of the labor organizations the Northwest Territory; who fought our ace. Orate that the propriety of utilizing it even influence, and which, if persisted in, will re- sail addressed the workingnien upon the issnes end war for independence; drove back Briton tot putting out 6re might be seriously quem suit in its disastrous defeat The warning of that year." M'as it in this came cellar that, and 1 1 Indian, an opened the gates of the great tioned.
which conies from Kansas is deeply signifi. as the Tribune any, Mr. Hitt was enabled to country of Louisiana, including Kansas. Then Ina nomliation of N. rant and is pregnant with meaning.
It will "ezehange the presidency for the governor- they to brought me papers long preserved, Satpura by the Democratm reinvention hat be well for the party leaders at Washington 6111P? one was a military commission on parchment, night was altogether crestiodde to the party to heed it. The spirit of discontent which Bees the Itoston G'Ielie: "In caftan" a gill white, unbroken and strong, bearing the organization. The noniinatiou of Mr. Ceres can hutch Kansan is potent enough to work a young man has been fitted for kissing a girl in bold signature of Thomas Jefferson, President by the Republican leaves the city free to political revolution throughout the entire a park. No wonder the young men of Cana- of the United States; another, later, bore the choose between two good Wien for its teem.
country finless speedy measures are taken to da are all emigrating to the United States." cram ped and commonplace autograph of beet It is a happy combination of dream- remove the cause. And therefore they are not coming to Katlitte James Madison. Then there were letters and Cit If the girls of title town relied on ar orders from Fort Wayne and Detroit, then stances that ic nominating for this import. A cons bread mission should be in which to enjoy their I 1. ettl dots in a wilderness, and there was another ir is atory diversion sot tithe both parties have made aelertions Ea," it thi, aatpa eat this would be itio eminently proper but duan.
tear, to mp- paper, a letter in a fine hand, and at the foot which give aseurance of a trustworthy and onra bread. the farms of mime will be as pointing few words; in a bolder hand, words of fare. those of 'Vermont bass beetcLeaterrim Courier- etfiCirtit officer. well. "For the last time.
Mont" And neenee Mr. Feeeron is as represented the Dem. eMont" was the lintel soldier, the fird Amer. youito ht is WHITE, It WitohillgtOtt "Mitih. As usual, the corn editor of the roomier- aerate should make their light on him at the Man hero Kansas islet raw, going away with a or," who hen gotten himeelf into a very tight la behia.1 the timilL He has Psi.
polls and should aid his renomination, as it is dark presentiment in his heart, to the north. place by forging a check, is deeply agerieved dently not heard of the "corn bread not likely that they can defeat EUGENE ern frontier. sd and scandalieed by the report that there is a of Mr. C. W.
at the Edinburgh ex- Vette et any other popular Republican in The family kindlt aliened ins to select a "taint" of negro blood in his veins, thongh Ine-itioni which has been so successful in the Second district Ilse defeat of Fresi011 paper from the tr mon heap before me. I Ise manifests no shame for the crime which American maize as an article In ths atmeentimil Means Hut almost certain picked up a genera order written in a clerkly he ha, committed. It I. to he 'sweated, for of Mod among the sturdy Kota Here the ell'elma Of the Republican candidate in No- hand on very fine eerier, like that yea see in the good name of the anmeroint silly women tempting flapjack, the seductive pone and 'ember' the old Spanish archivist at Santa EL It bore who were kel eeptive by the charms which the shoring podding are served in the most STAGG, the Yale pitcher, ha given up his date Octolie 10 lOtet It wan all about es- ls lie seems to for the yes, that the inviting forme, and their gratuitous dilate. intention of going lido the ministry, and tabliahing I enntonolissI otnh of the h.
lo between itemitiventee which he feel regarding his Motion among the visitors to the lair Is nianeging a baseball eineatChantanque under Port tlim esalna amih esn'itlou lkinson." i Ay and si ai tt collo, does tot xtend to the complexion of raPllY subjugating the ppitttlim the senctioe of the Y. M. Co A. In develop. Witt Re ed ei' lint moral has hitherto minted among the penple log 1 hr stians for the base ball field Mr.
pp- brought back, not oat biovieting General Berme is seep ying a long felt want and h. James es Wilkinson but Aaron Burr and setting the absurd theory that ball player I famous expeditico, Om enigma of Amen. against Indian corn as an of diet. Ma. alsiettmt ernrotarY of The work will be followed up by Me be Mtn- a meeker can history; and Blencenhassetts and men and the treasury, thinks that the logic of events Pus' at Berlin, Pena and other populous Veit and mysteries of which one might talk to the sioniinatiou of a New Mora man centers in Europe, and with a syfthem of ad- MR.
DAVID Rows of Denver may he his from emir candle light till came the dappled for the Republiese candidate for President vertning which makes a direst appeal to the tent and detagreeahle on the ball Gehl, but he dawn. Notelet raINTIlk 111 114102, and singles out Vice Preeident popular stomach the enema of the under- has a way of running things in the Western Monne aa the moot eligible man whom the tst.iwg will only be a wiestion of time. almeiation which the Kansas City magnates Practical hrtstianity. FrOil tit*. parte can whet Ile says dial dokees The toiling mac of the old world are might suecessfully imitate.
lie-Would roe care much if I should steal would a strong canvas and a groat lemming to eat corn and Kansas ems Supply UNBIDDEN. a kiss? President. Than of ounneS le morolY in the the increased demand of a wide, market. she (strictly sheltie. could not bear to look at yea sun, should I know of in opinion, the ateltrwr.I of "hi' The Coseistenrstenoi can poetess its soul in up yeam Mtn'''.
I nod, tee it iss osPiess thins, you to be Reilly of violating, in the smallest It will be difficult to prose, as the time has Per i.e at Dimwit my roving foney's tying, degree one of the commandments. If yen mut yet come when the people am tilling le And. mom, bed the Cone, it ran so longer slow." moot have a kis, onacionally, ask me for it enst a mai, to the highest office in the Fressone of the mention which lies been A loollsk boort! lloo Iltdo do es keno and I will he only to milling to denote it, but land simply because be has 20 million dol. made of et-Governor as a can. 'rho bird will still nnbliblem sing, you mutt ant steal it.
bra didate fur Vies President, the Topeka Car And though npon sy harp is snipped each string, As well forbid the river 204 to dot; Peephole ase lb. Gullible 'labile. ital say: "Cererest mot mete a bitter war- r- pe thee saturemeatho sod. From the Omaha trtels) aft, GollYialnallall ROSPA fti, MiLIA et Texas fare on the Democratic haders of Missouri or deems upon tbs der) Dist moo here tee Whit looks like a mountain of gold has arrived is Kumla City hat eight, sod will lien Governor, and the rank and file of the The perk that I believed am deed snit mit heen discovered ia Colorado. Reports of the idrons a 801wding on the alibied a Witt re- perty would fight him to the death.
When nth tv'tm" km' "0 find declare that it vershadnesa the foment 10 i and worils that I con scares ibilteve my own 1, ometock lotto. Its tole value cannot he de- form at the Warder Drawl opera this he broke up the Jewel gang he mis leap 0, in npat mama, a titan fermined, however, until a flier million Miele) evening- The Mimi' of the movement political mime The Coed might to know, flioncOat ratan. of stock are unloaded ses the gullible public Meer Now duct it of day, out yet the has five 318 and Ions the fifth lion new ply the the la I It is to of AIi4A0 IA I I 01111 ClICVLATIONI A MILL-ION A MONTH 111111 WTAINDOtell 1111111111M. I 111WVIt I AI T- SLOOMA 1 i Mr. Waldorf Astor will build two fine and 11.5ri a.
respectively. COLORADO SENATORUnited States Sena. hotels in New York. The will not he intend ed ta ke be The 20 tor Edward O. Wolcott has hi home at Ben.
trensient uests hat rich City and Chie limited Vestibule expreas. Tam 6: p. M. train is the famous Kansas, A letter directed to him at Washington of and pay from to-4Am Free chair caes on all trains. would reach him.
year board. in other wonia they will be data for For anv additional information call at ticket INDIAN TERRITORY LAWLawyers here only. ffi esked if im should ever e4t sr ee1 and 1030 Union ave. if think that it is doubtful the tribal code Perpetual expatriation is the word for Nl.2 Teleptiinoane 0. government will allow a man to settle at Mits.
Thodore Triton. When a kogee to practice law without having a Vilit the United states he replied: "No," and The Finest Mantua Yacht Afloat. "No. I shalt never go back to America. Societe peewit so to settle.
launched this indictment against the United States: From the New York Commercial Advertiser. specia SITPREMR COURT PoLiTtea Presiding there has committed a erime against me. I defendeU Justice Fuller of the United states supreme mysett and was defeated." ere of Philadelphia, have just been awarded Neatie Levy, the engine and ship build. court is a Democrat. Associate Justices Mee.
Ann Stokes of Urbana Depot, the contract to build what is to be the finest Field and Lamer are also Demnenits. Asso. telegraphed to the pension bureau that her property steam yacht afloat. She is to be fifty feet cisme Justices Miller, Bradley, Harlan, Gray, was about to he sold under an execution and asking longer than Mr. Trenor Park's new Sultana, Blatchford and Brewer are Republicans.
if her pension could not be granted arid her home saved. Neat da the rom lPesision claim allowed. You will receive about She tie. KANSAS NOTES. inissioner telegraphed: which is 187 feet over all.
signed by J. ileavor-Webb, who desigtted the as been Certificates will be issued to-day." Geneste Galatea, and ninny fine steasn yachts, including the Sultana. The new boat and her Pv the way, what has become of Web Mc- Itba Complacent. machinery will cost $350,000 exclusive of Nair Thoreau. interior work.
She is to be built of steel and There are people in Atchison who fry cu- kly actual life is a fact, in view of which I fitted with all the modern appliances for steer. cambers. Strong City has a base ball team called have no occludes to eengratulate myself; but log, illuminating, and propulsion. Steel boil. the "Enna Moppets" steam for the powerful triple expansion en- It is from these that I speak.
Every man's for my faith anti aspiration I have respect era with immense heating furnish One cause of the opposition to Anderson In the Fifth district is th there were not enough position is in fact too simple to be described. For re ns best known to himself, the own. postottices to go round. I have sworn no oath. I have no designs on gines that are to drive her.
at er of the new craft prefers not to be known at It is a question whether the State Normal society or nature or God. I am simply what It is supposed that he is some for I am, or I begin to be that. I live in the at Emporia or the Agricultural college at Manhattan present. sums out the best wives present. I Only remember the past and an- eign yachtsman who has faith in American builders.
A yachtsman said last night that A man who claims to know save that Ln- ticipate the futnre. I love to live. I love cies) Scott and Ales Caldwell of Lea reform Leavenworth are be its modes. I believe some- he would not be surprised to hear that the iter than rinee of Wales, who is commodore of the the richest men in Kansas thing and there is nothing else but that. I The Patriot oars that "Atchison may not know that I am.
I know that another ha who new boat. The buadron, was the owner of the uilders, know who be as big as some oilier towns, but it is a great deal knows more than who takes interest in me. the yacht is for, the Yacht sq payments for the work better." But eves that is doubtfuL whose creature, and yet whose kindred, in being made through Drexel, Morgan An Arkansas City school teacher who is one sense I am, I know that the enterprise but they have orders to make her better in running a restaurant during the vacation, hasmans speed, nub, and elegance than Mr. tiould'a ta worthy. I know that things work well.
I out the sign: "Mentes at all hours." have beard no bad news. Atalanta, Mr. Astor's or Mr. Van. fis One of the attractions of Chingawassa derbilt's Alva.
Pollee Cowrie ye. the Poprem Court. Springs, in Marion county, lathe grave of a man who From the Washington Post. itconter Mermen te Settee. was murdered there thirty years ago.
The Paola Times is in favor of a lawyer de The Kansas pollee wi go right ahead Frnt a Washington Letter. i for congress in the Second district, and it is in. versing the supreme court in its "original Senator Sherman has decided to retire to notated that it would not object to a poet. package" decision. private life at the expiration of his present I.
Summerlot, a laborer, was prostrated termMarch 3, 1.993. Ills sucelesful Mem by the beat at Topeka the other day. It is tuought Ambitiou Defined. agement of the silver bill, by which be was that Iris name had something to do with it. From Lilo.
enabled to bring the silver and anti-silver men Lawrence is overrun with traveling men. "My son, define ambition." together to the support of a bill which be. Wh th en at happens to a tows it is always sate to bet "Well, it's always feeling that yoa want to law recently, is regarded by himself that it has good taverns and lots of pretty girls. do something that you know you can't." and friends as the crowning act of his career. Chingawasea Marion, is brae.
It is probably the last service that he will ten. in up as a summer retort. There are more kinds Ii tee Corners There. der to his party. Mr.
Sherman has within the of water there than a Preis Hatton ist cam sample in a Fee" the Pt Louis past day or two made known his determine. day. There will be no lee trade in the gloriously tion to several of hi Republican friends, who The Topeka Democrat compliments the ed- fervent hereafter to The senator which the cent a pound have urged him to er it. says, however, that he has made up his mind Her of the Hutchinson Ames by calling the big tee. tat.
Louis ice combine in hurrying. prance mass meeting at Topeka "Lesley maven- to pnt the turmoil of political life behind him, tine." and will not alter his decision to take up his toim the Washington Post. Senator Sherman to Retire. The Kansas police wide go right ahead re. Front a Viaahington latter.
rering the supreme court in its "original Senator Sherman has decided to retire to iackage" decision. private life at the expiration of his present -41, termMarch 3, 1893. Ilis uccissful man. Ambition Defined. agement of the silver bill, by which be was Life.
enabled to bring the silver and antiailver men "My son, define ambition." together to the support of a bill which be. "Well, it's always feeling that Yoe want to came law recently, is regarded by himself lo something that you know you can't." and friends as the crowning act of his career. It is probably the last service that he will ran. It tee Corners There. der to his party.
Mr. Sherman has within the rpm the Pt Louts Republic. past day or two matte known his determine. There will be no ice trade in the gloriously tion to several of his Republican friends, who hereafter to which the cent a pound have urged him to reconsider it. The senator says, however, that he has made op bin Mind Lotus ice combine is hurrying.
to put the turmoil of political life behind him, and will not miter his decision to take up his vely. I the famous Kansas, i Vestibule express. ins. )rmation call at ticket uti 1030 Union traria ittlint reilit Advertiser. ice and ship build.
just been awarded it is to be the finest to be fifty feet Park's new Sultana, tit. She has been de. who designed the iny fine steasn yachts, The new boat and her 30,000 exclusive of be built of steel anti appliances for steer. opuision. Steel boil.
furnish triple expansion eller. to himself, the own. rs not to be known at that he is some for. faith in Americen said last night that ed to hear that the is commodore of the was the owner of the know who rments for the work 'esel, Morgan make her better in ice than Mr. tiould's nirtnahal, or Mr.
Van. an te Sethi decided to retire to ration of his present Ills succfrisful man. bill, by which be was rer and antioilver men of a bill which be. regarded by himself ing act of his career. rvice that he will ten.
herman has within the sown his determine. publican friends, who nude? it. The senator has made np his mind Istical life behind him, vision to take up his 1 Sedalia bm a Cauliflower that weighs ten manta tetra boy. There is always Nome kind of tronble at Hannibal. Just now it is slanders.
The failure of the watermelon erop at Jefferma Lay makes it very quiet about the stare The Atonitor La now the only daily paper In Moberly. One daily is really in'ort than a town of that sirs aeeills. Sedalia has a Cauliflower that weighs ten it's a hey. There is always Nome kind of tronble at Hannibal. Just now it is glander s.
The failure of the watermelon crop at hffersea City makes it very quiet about the state house, The Monitor Ls now the only daily paper In Moberly. One daily is really Mort than a town of that airs Deals. MISSOURI NOTES. residence at this home in Mansfield, in 1893, and snend the remainder of his day in peace and quiet. Ile will not be a eandidate or President stain, and will not accept a re.
lection to the senate. Ile is now lit years of age, has been in public life continuously for more thee forty years, and thinks he has earned a teat, Pastels, and flis Disceiterien From the chicage Herold. The Prookfletil GaTerte has changed hands Pasteur might have been the richest man to four times "titbit' the past year. 01 team 0 is Re. the world if he had eared for the eommereial publican in putties i toeln htLi a di ns coolde ri ti ieosn sten dh i op protected i etsh ern The blackberr crop Cole county Par Is a "1" 'that 81 that the aell the cause of a mysterious disease among silk legislators will bare plenty 0 pia litia the prevention of hydrophobia, he discovered worms which threatened to destmy the silk Sedalia moat mow down its Canada thistleit worm industry of France, and applied a rem.
or mitt agitating the mantion of removing tee state edy. The wine-growers of France and Italy capital to that place from Jefferson illy. coniplained of their vinee being slow to ma. Mr Mary Wing of Fayette, Mo. is SO tore and the grapes turning Poen Pasteur's years of age, and during the lost year has 'done the investigation of the yeast terms taught the cooking.
washing. Ironing, sewing, knitting, rower hew these evils tould be coredl. He fur a family of loua, iscovered the mierohe which propagatem dia. Joseph ham a preacher who deetares ease in sheep, and suggested a remedy. These himself in taco? Of Sunday theatricals and ham ball, discoveries represent a gain to the community ens gives it out flat and cold that he iv going to take of many millions of dollars, but the greot, them ta abeaever be Ipta a abase.
scientist has made no effort to proflt The Anna Sneed Cairns female seminary ally at It irk wood hm been purchased by syndicate of wealthy It will be eoneerted into a normal from any of them. Mowry Coif to tato Imola. trataina Schaal kt colored Frans the Augusta (IA) chronicle. Millions of June bogs swqr down upon TheDeinocrats of the Chattanooga distriet Springfield Is a Slagle untlit. That's the ream ay a a nominated Henry Clay Snotigntm to run that the young men all es around with hatilket, chiefs 'aided between Wait nicks anti shirt 0011ata wind Henry Clay Evan for Miran' In Mansfield, in emaindcr of his day will not be a eandidate will not accept a retie is now lit years lic life continisously ra, and thinks he has is Diseeeeriess.
the richest man fa ed for the commercial and protected them to his discoveries in ipitoble, he discovered lie disease among silk to destmy the silk cc, and applied a rem. of France and Italy tee being slow to ma. rning poen Pasteur'. germs taught the timid be cured. He which propsestes dixeited remedy.
These gain to the community dollars, butt the great, fort to profit person. I. the Vivid. krovticie. Chettsnotsgs district Clay Snodgrase to rue sus for congest, There is a county in Western Kansas that hal only 1,000 people.
Ire a wonder thst some fellow doesal so to the county at and Mart a daily paper. If Plumb don't "set down on the 'breech. la' before the studio' le knocked out of the He. Kinky tariff hill he gen be re-elected ia '94 without I spending a nickel. Topeka Jovenni: Miss Ella Pinson, inumina husk, who died a kw days age st Hartland, Kook, bad a beard fifteen Inches ions, and yet she never wanted to toh The whistle on a Santa Fe 'locomotive be a lima the Othet day between Ouse city and Topeka thirty-Ove mile Ions.
The people along the track thought the end el the world bad mine, sum Eugene Were will mail Lis geed p*rn on "John Brown" it the eolorvd relebration to be held at 'Homeric grove. That will cont. neat to a water. melon toward solidifying the negro rote in the see. toad district Jluai na or the i1; o9 wad tAe iq the atm of a publiestiote in the intermit of siwine-hroders and goonlierero, oh feta has mode Its anweerunes st Topeka, lib log sod the bee dream an masa in Kansas.
An original package honse at Topeka Lao sued the county attorney and Joe Hudson, and P. Winehroke and F. A. McCabe for damages in the gum of 4110,090 for depriving It of the privilege of learnt. le 4si kaginewa Well, the p.
outfit won't getaoea Castoris eares Collo, Constipation, Isom. stomach, Dian lure, Eructation, Gives healthy Weep end promotes digestion Without injurious sedlestioa. di 141w..